Elven , Gondorian Andúril Museum Collection (Pre-Order) Gondorian , Lord of the Rings Andúril Scabbard Gondorian , Lord of the Rings Andúril: Sword of King Elessar Dwarven & More , Lord of the Rings Bearded Axe of Gimli Gondorian , Knives Dagger of Boromir Castle Kon , Elven Double’s Tribute (Castle Kon Exclusive Ring of Lost Kings) Knives , Resin Replicas Dune Crysknife of Paul Atreides (Special Order) Elven , Knives Elven Knife Of Strider Elven , Knives Fighting Knives of Legolas (LOTR Edition) Elven , Knives Fighting Knives of Tauriel Lord of the Rings , Resin Replicas Gandalf the White Staff Elven , Lord of the Rings Glamdring Scabbard Blue Elven , Lord of the Rings Glamdring Scabbard White Elven , Swords Glamdring: Sword of Gandalf (Hobbit Edition) Elven , Lord of the Rings Glamdring: Sword of Gandalf (LOTR Edition) Lord of the Rings , Rohirrim Guthwine Scabbard for Sword of Eomer Lord of the Rings , Rohirrim Guthwine: Sword of Éomer Helms , Lord of the Rings Helm of Éomer Gondorian , Helms Helm of Isildur Gondorian , Helms Helm of King Elendil (Backorder March 2024) Helms , Lord of the Rings Helm of Sauron – Half Scale Helms , Lord of the Rings Helm of Theoden Elven , Gondorian Helm Stand Replacement Lord of the Rings , Pre-Orders Herugrim Battle Forged Edition Lord of the Rings , Rohirrim Herugrim: Sword of Theoden Elven , Helms High Elven War Helm Elven , Lord of the Rings High Elven Warrior Sword (HEWS) Sale! Hobbit-ish , Lord of the Rings Hobbit Hole – 2A Hill Lane Gondorian , Lord of the Rings Horn of Gondor Sci-Fi , Swords Long Blade of Swordmaster Duncan Idaho Axes & Maces , Lord of the Rings Mace of Sauron and Ring – Red Eye Edition Elven , Swords Mirkwood Infantry Sword Sale! Knives , Lord of the Rings Morgul Dagger: Blade of the Nazgûl Elven , Gondorian Narsil: Sword of Elendil Dwarven & More , Elven Orcrist: Sword of Thorin Oakenshield Hobbit-ish , The Hobbit Portrait of Bilbo Baggins (Art Print) 1 2 3 →