This is a pre-order sale. “BACKORDER” means the same thing as “pre-order” on the website. The current estimate from United Cutlery is December 2025. However, as many of you are aware, it is rare for any pre-order to be on time. As such, please follow the Castle Kon Facebook page (CLICK HERE) for updates on this and other pre-orders. Also, if any other seller claims to have this before Castle Kon (other than UC directly), it is most likely out-of-date information. Castle Kon will receive its pre-ordered amount 3 – 5 days after United and we ship within a week of receiving the items. Image is of prototype and final product may vary.
We are setting a $100 partially-refundable* deposit with the remainder due December 2025. If the item is shipped earlier, Castle Kon will email to pay earlier. If the ship date pushes out, we shall move the remainder pay date accordingly (or try to since the system does not always work sorry!)
*Partially-refundable note: Castle Kon does not get refunded the PayPal / credit card fees when providing refunds. As such, we are moving to a credit transfer process. For example, if you purchase this item for deposit of $100, and desire a refund, we will cancel the pre-order and provide a $100 credit toward any other order with Castle Kon OR will provide a 95% refund ($95.00).
COUPON NOTES: When using a coupon, you will get more money off if you pay in full vs paying a deposit as our coupons are all set as percentages now. Also remember, if you see a lower price anywhere else including shipping, please send us a link/screenshot and we’ll try and beat it!
IMPORTANT PRICING INFORMATION: The following is not a political statement one way or another, but a simple fact. There is a possibility that the US’ Federal Government may impose tariffs on all goods entering the country (similar to Europe’s VAT). The current price does NOT account for potential tariffs. If tariffs are imposed, Castle Kon will provide follow-up invoices to cover the difference. Please note, we pledge to continue having the lowest prices in all of Arda, so even if we request a differential payment, we’ll still be lower than all the competition.
Product Specifications:
This Museum Collection edition was completely resigned in 2024 by United Cutlery with brand new tooling and color correction to the paint making it the most accurate replica of this helm in all of Arda. The previous limited edition versions of this helm are still excellent versions to own. However, they had the previous casting which was less finely detailed and different paint schemes.
- 1:1 Actor scale (twice as large as the smaller helm currently sold by United Cutlery)
- Cast from hard polyresin
- Padded interior so the helm can be worn
- Comes with a polyresin stand with the design features of Sauron’s Mace
- ~29″ tall, ~32″ on stand
Tolkien’s Lore:
Sauron was a gifted Maia, originally an apprentice of Aulë. Coveting the power to regulate all things according to his own will, he became the most trusted lieutenant of (Melkor) Morgoth, reckoned as the greatest of his servants in the Wars of Beleriand. In the Second Age, disguised as the fair Annatar, he deceived the Elves of Eregion into creating the Rings of Power whilst he secretly forged the One Ring in Mount Doom becoming “the Lord of the Rings”. Sauron allowed himself to be captured by the Númenóreans where his evil lead to the Downfall of Númenor. His spirit escaped as he regained power in Mordor as the Kingdom’s of Arnor and Gondor were founded. The Elves and the Dúnedain formed the Last Alliance and marched against Sauron in S.A. 3441. The siege lasted for seven years and culminated in Sauron leaving his fortress and breaking the siege himself pushing the army of the Alliance back to the slopes of Orodruin. Here, Sauron slew the leaders of the Alliance, Gil-galad and Elendil in single combat, but was himself defeated. Isildur cut the Ring from Sauron’s finger. Sauron’s body died and his spirit fled. Without the power of the One Ring, Sauron could not take form again in Middle-earth for a thousand years.
Adaptation Notes:
In Peter Jackson’s adaptation of the Lord of the Rings, Sauron is first brought to screen in the prologue of the trilogy. Sauron is depicted as a tall -yet not gigantic – armored warlord wielding a huge mace (a blend between his vague description by Tolkien and the more detailed appearance of Morgoth as described in The Silmarillion). The original prop of this helm was designed and developed by Weta Workshop and worn by actor Sala Baker. During the film’s rendition of this particular battle, Sauron is shown dispatching a number of Elves and Men with his mace, before killing Gil-galad (offscreen; the scene figured in the concept art done for the prologue) and then Elendil before being defeated by Isildur using his father’s broken sword to cut off the finger wearing the One Ring. This causes Sauron’s body to explode, producing a shockwave as the original prop of this very helm falls to the ashen ground smoking with the ruin of his malice.