Weta Polystone – The Black Gate


Only 2 left in stock



This is a pre-order sale. The current estimate from Weta is April 2024. However, as many of you are aware, not a single pre-order estimate in the past five years has been on time. As such, please follow the Castle Kon Facebook page for updates on this and other pre-orders. Also, if any other seller claims to have this before Castle Kon (other than Weta directly), it is most likely out-of-date information. Castle Kon will receive its pre-ordered amount 3 – 5 days after our distributor gets them in stock from Weta and we ship within a week of receiving the items.

We are setting a $25 + FREE SHIPPING for US customers and discounted shipping for international folks) non refundable deposit with the remainder due April 1, 2024. If the item is shipped earlier, Castle Kon will email to pay earlier. If the ship date pushes out, we shall move the remainder pay date accordingly (or try to since the system does not always work sorry!)

*Non-refundable note: Castle Kon does not get refunded the PayPal / credit card fees when providing refunds. As such, we are moving to a credit transfer process. For example, if you purchase this item for deposit of $25, and desire a refund, we will cancel the pre-order and provide a $25 credit toward any other order with Castle Kon OR will provide a 95% refund ($23.75).


Wētā Workshop was intrinsically involved in the design and physical effects manufacture for all three films.

It takes hundreds of hours to design, sculpt, model make, mold, and paint the prototype for each new Middle-earth piece. Whether it be a prop replica, beautiful environment, or iconic character, we treat our collectibles with the same level of care and attention to detail that we bring to our film work.

Iron-wrought by thralls of Sauron™, the Black Gate, a thing of sharp and rigid design, spanned the narrow gap between the mountains that bound Mordor™.

By this way alone might entry to Mordor™ be gained, lest those who sought to cross the threshold travel hundreds of miles east or south. The great gate was an impenetrable barrier, opened only by the command of its gatekeeper and the might of a team of Mountain Trolls, who alone were strong enough to move the blockade.


  • Open Edition
  • Made from high-quality polystone
  • 360° environment design
  • Recreated in meticulous detailing
  • Digitally sculpted by 3D artist Charlotte Key

Additional information

Weight .03 lbs